Moore Relationships

Scholefield Family Tree

I’ve been focusing on using the names from the lawsuit to identify familial connections. So far, I have placed all the of the Moores and have only a few names left over. The names that don’t fit are: William D. Lowerre and Ann D. Lowerre his wife, William Kemble, Frederick S. Stalknecht, and Peter Gilsey. There are several reasons that these people were named. Ann and the wives of William, Frederick, and Peter could have been Moores. I’ve not yet found marriage records to prove that. Or they could have been lawyers representing family members. Maybe they were friends of the family who witnessed documents which the plaintiffs were calling into question.

The Moore Lawsuit

This shows the relationship between the Moore’s named in the lawsuit. Michael and his wife Maria were suing his brother, his cousins, and his second cousins when their parents were dead.
Moore Lawsuit

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